Home / Kegiatan Khusus / 12 Dec 2013, MY LIFE MY DREAMS, Denpasar & Jönköping Premiere Screening

12 Dec 2013, MY LIFE MY DREAMS, Denpasar & Jönköping Premiere Screening


Thursday, 12 Dec 2013
19:00 – 20:30
Thursday, 12 Dec 2013
19:00 – 20:30

Lihat preview hasil workshop di sini
Preview the workshop result here


guestworker THE GUEST WORKER
Dir. Erik Gansjö and Max Timje
English | 3:38 | color
Sebuah gambaran personal tentang seorang pekerja pendatang di Jönköping, Sweden.
A personal portrait of a guestworker in Jönköping, Sweden.
theactress THE ACTRESS
Dir. William Merkell & Karolina Thollander
Swedish (with Eng. Subs) | 4:16 | color
Sebuah Dokumenter pendek tentang Allis, seorang remaja perempuan yang memiliki cita-cita menjadi seorang aktris.
A short documentary about Allis, a girl with a dream to become an actress
Dir. Maria Rosiana Sedjahtera
Indonesia (with Eng. Subs) | 7:54 | color
Besok, Ana akan syuting film, namun datang kabar bahwa kakek meninggal dan Ana harus segera berangkat bersama keluarga menuju Purwokerto untuk acara pemakaman
Tomorrow, Ana will be filming a movie, suddenly came a news that Ana’s grandfather passed away and she must leave with her family to Purwokerto to attend the funeral.
poster_a4_thedreamer THE DREAMER
Dir. Kadek Budi Setiawan
Indonesia (with Eng. Subs) | 6:05 | color
Dony bermimpi menjadi SUPERHERO, namun sayangnya pada waktu dan tempat yang tidak tepat.
Dony’s dream of becoming SUPERHERO, unfortunately at the wrong place and time.
poster_a4_endlesshate ENDLESS HATE
Dir. Sigit Widyantoro
Indonesia (with Eng. Subs) | 7:34 | color
Kamar Gita seringkali berantakan dan ada beberapa tamu tidak diundang mengganggu ketenteraman seluruh keluarga Gita, bahkan lebih fatal lagi.
Gita’s room is always messy and there were some uninvited guests who come to disturb the whole family, furthermore even worst than that.
poster_a4_pocongdansusterngesot POCONG & SUSTER NGESOT
Dir. Komang Restu Sedana
Indonesia | Eng. Subs | 10:38 | color
Ketika Suster Ngesot menemukan cara untuk mengatasi cacat fisiknya, ia harus berlomba dengan Pocong yang juga memiliki keinginan yang sama.
When Suster Ngesot find a way to overcome her physical disability, he must compete with Pocong who also has the same desire.
poster_a4_madeintrafficjam I MADE IN TRAFFIC JAM
Dir. I Wayan Suhendra
Indonesia | Eng. Subs | 4:41 | color
Made dan Wayan harus segera menemui boss, tapi mereka terjebak macet lalu lintas kota Denpasar.
Made and Wayan should immediately meet the boss, but they stuck in traffic jam of Denpasar.
Indonesia, English, Swedish | Eng. Subs | 16:46 | color
Hasil final dari kolaborasi ini. Kisah tentang kehidupan dan mimpi remaja dari dua kota terpisah oleh benua dan samudera lebih dari 11.000 kilometer jauhnya.
The final result of the collaboration. Story of the lives and dreams of youths from two cities separated by continents and oceans spanning over 11,000 kilometres in distance.

My Life My Dreams was initiated by Kultur Jönköpings kommun (Sweden) and Minikino (Indonesia). The objective is to initiate a collaboration that gives rise to an understanding between youths in Jönköping, Sweden and Denpasar, Indonesia, through the process of filmmaking. The project was carried through in 3 phases: competition, workshop and co-production.

Phase 1; 1 Jul – 10 Aug 2013 was an online competition of 1-minute films for youths in Jönköping, Sweden, and Denpasar, Indonesia. The makers of 10 most popular films were then interviewed by Artistic Leaders from the two collaborating organisations (Daniel Johansson for Kultur Jönköpings kommun and Daniel Rudi Haryanto for Minikino). Resulting from this interview, 4 youths from Jönköping and 5 youths from Denpasar were selected to join the next phase. These 9 selected participants are Erik Gannsjö, Karolina Thollander, Max Timje, and William Merkell from Jönköping, and Maria Rosiana Sedjahtera, Sigit Widyantoro, Komang Restu Sedana, Kadek Budi Setiawan, and I Wayan Suhendra from Denpasar.

Phase 2; 24 Aug – 21 Sep 2013 was a series of filmmaking workshops. The Artistic Leaders in Jönköping and Denpasar facilitated the 9 selected participants to develop a film in their own choices of genre, following the project’s theme: their life, their dreams. Through documentary and fiction short films, the 9 participants express their personal views of everyday life through their own creative perspectives.

Phase 3; 24 Sep 2013 – 24 Nov 2013 was the short film co-production. The selected participants from Jönköping and Denpasar collaborated in making a short documentary film. Connecting through the internet, the young filmmakers of these 2 cities separated by continents and oceans spanning over 11,000 kilometres in distance communicate their points of views on a better future, for a better world that they want to create together.

Daniel Rudi Haryanto, Edo Wulia, Fransiska Prihadi, Nirartha Diwangkara, Tintin Wulia,
Made Birus Suarbawa,Okan, Andrew Linggar, Varadila, Kiki Zayin, Retno Mumpuni, Rafika,
JMC Aditya Indradjaja, I Wayan Suryawan, Anita Darkim, Ridwan Rudianto, Zeno Wulia, Kupit Nostress, Dwitra J. Ariana, Oka Sudarsana, I Made Jabbon, I Gusti Ktut Trisna Pramana, I Wayan Suryanatha, Risna Pramudya, Pudya Cahyadi, I Made Wibawa, ibu Suryani (kelurahan Pekambingan)

GDV Production, Sanggar Siap Selem, SMAK Thomas Aquino, STIKOM Bali, SMKN 1 Mas,
Campuhan College, SMAN 4 Denpasar, Alfa Prima, SMK Duta Bangsa, SMK 2 Saraswati
Cok De Rama, Eka Soecit, Sak Novi, Vincensia Prima Putriningtias, Kartika Catharina Ayudanto Rantung, David Ario Mulyo Irawan, Adhi Widyacaya, Wisyani, Chessy Meryberd Isbelour, I Gusti Ayu Bintang Puspita Dewi, Desi, Suprapta, I Made Sutrisna Nata Putra, Pudyana Cahyadi, Made Lanyink, Herda, Yadnya, Yandi, Crisna Evan Jaya, Bagus Pramundana, Pande Putu, Omang Windhu Adi Nugraha, Juni Artha, Ni Ketut Novi Nurianti, Cahyadi Marta, Surya Adi Pratama, Arizky R., Ni Putu Dian Manika, Dwi Elian, Lisa H, Dhevi Jejen, Gex Arix, Anak Agunk Istri Tiki Lindia, Cintya, Gunk Wah Eka, Aang, Krisna, Lisa H, Dhevi Jejen, Gex Arix, Yudha Surya Pradipta, Bagus Permata Putra, Sak Win, Sak Chix, Dsk Km Juni Pertiwi, Meri, Nila, Crisna Evan Jaya, Adi, Evan, Rexy, Andira Putra


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