Notification Date May 31, 2021
MINIKINO FILM WEEK 7, Bali International Short Film Festival, 3-11 September 2021 is the seventh edition of the annual international short film festival in Bali, Indonesia.
Download this regulations in pdf format;
All short films entered through the Filmfreeway and Short Film Depot platforms.
MINIKINO FILM WEEK is an international short film festival, which has been held annually since 2015. This festival was founded and organized by the Minikino committee as its parent organization, which has been working since 2002 (more than 18 years) in this field. Furthermore, the Minikino organization is under the Indonesian legal entity; Yayasan Kino Media. Minikino Film Week International Short Film Festival reaffirms that short films are cultural products with cultural and social values from the artists who live in that society. The short film presents artistic achievements in a contemporary product that describes the latest cultural, aesthetic and social trends. MFW 7 will present the selected international short films programs and will also comprised of: MFW7 will also has 2021 SHORT FILM MARKET, with exhibitions, talks & seminars, workshops and the short film library. MFW 7 aims to build and strengthen the network of short film screening venues in Bali, Indonesia. Providing spaces to screen the these carefully selected short films to their audiences, which might be difficult to be seen elsewhere. MFW committees consist of professionals, artists and film enthusiasts who work professionally as staffs, part-timers and volunteers. The festival is a non-profit organization run under Yayasan Kino Media (Kino Media Foundation). The running cost is covered by private donations, sponsors, and also occasional government funds. Most of the support is in-kind, in the form of facilities, permits and all helping hands to support various festival’s activities. MFW7 will and always be a physical festival, with a projection screen and audience that attending the venues. Due to the unpredictable global crisis situation, we might change the dates, yet we are certainly won’t cancelling and all communication will be prompt. additional links: Find all the past festival’s catalogs here Find all the past festival’s public reports here
Please notice that MFW7 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS are mostly a non-monetary reward in the form of a Certificate Of Achievement signed by the Committee, and dedicated online announcements as a Public Acknowledgment Of Excellence. 1. OFFICIAL SELECTION LAUREL & DIGITAL CERTIFICATE 1.1. A unique and offical laurel and digital certificate in vector on pdf shall be offered and given upon request. Only for filmmakers with officially selected films of Minikino Film Week; 1.2. Upon request, we would love to send you the Bahasa Indonesia subtitle in .srt format, right after 11 September 2021 for your further distributions. Please never hesitate to ask. 2. THE 2021 INTERNATIONAL PREMIER RECOGNITION A unique and offical laurel and digital certificate in vector on pdf shall be offered and/or given upon request. 3. MFW7 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS International Awards will be given in the following categories: 3.1. MFW Best Short Film of the Year Award 2021 US$200 (Two Hundred USD) cash prizes given exclusively for Best Short Film of the Year Award 2021; 3.2. Non-monetary reward in the form of a dedicated online announcements as a Public Acknowledgment Of Excellence, and a Certificate Of Achievement signed by the Committee. 3.3. Special offer for the attending director’s/producer’s with MFW7 AWARD NOMINATED FILM(s); 4. MFW7 NATIONAL COMPETITION AWARDS 4.1. National competition is only for Indonesian directors/producers. 4.2. National Competition Award 2021 shall win Rp. 2.000.000,- (US$130.00) 4.3. Begadang Filmmaking Competition 2021 shall win Rp. 5.000.000.- (US$300 / three hundred USD) 5. AWARD ANNOUNCEMENT 5.1. Award Nominees will be officially announced on 3 August 2021 at filmweek; 5.2. Award Winners will be officially announced, live at the MFW7 Closing event: Saturday, 11 September 2021, and will be updated on on 13 September 2021. 6. OFFICIAL SELECTED SHORT FILM SPECIAL OFFER Special offer for the attending director’s/producer’s with OFFICIAL SELECTED SHORT FILM; 6.1. Airport pick ups in Bali during the festival dates to MFW7 Festival Lounge at MASH Denpasar; 6.2. Exclusive access for all events including the 2021 Awarding Night & Closing Party.
Minikino Film Week embraces the latest production of short films with fresh ideas, creative storytelling and never before seen of a short content. Minikino Film Week acknowledge and honor the fundamental value and dignity of all individuals, to creating and maintaining an environment that respects diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds, traditions, heritages, gender equality and abilities in our environment. We value diversity or inclusiveness in short film work. Minikino Film Week value personal values in short film work, but are able to convey them in the most professional work. An achievement in short films has meaning beyond just the audio visual quality; a short content experience that brought us to tears, made us laugh, or reminded us of something we’d almost forgotten. Minikino Film Week love a short film work that stands out, something that is daring to be different, whilst keeping it short, simple and understandable, although it may make us think in ways we never expected to.
Please prepare your digital data of your work as;
1.1. Short film with maximum duration of 25 mins (max. 20 mins. on specific categories). 1.2. Full HD 1080p in 25 fps or 24fps, using H.264 compression. 1.3. Mp4 format preferred. 1.4. Screening format will be on 16:9 (widescreen) ratio, 1920x1080px 1.5. SPOKEN & WRITTEN LANGUAGE IN THE FILM: 1.5.1. All Short films preferred to be presented in their original language. 1.5.2. If other than English dialogues used, films must be subtitled in English with SubRip/srt file. 1.5.3. Bahasa Indonesia subtitle will be added to your short film based on your English language / subtitle (otherwise you are already have Indonesian subs for your work. Upon request, you can have the Bahasa Indonesia subtitle (.srt) after 11 September 2021, for your further distributions.
2.1. All films must be the original work of the filmmaker/submitter, otherwise filmmaker/ submitter must have the necessary rights; 2.2. Please ensure the following are provided as part your submission(s): 2.2.1 Film logline (max. three sentences); 2.2.2 3(three) different stills from the film; 2.2.3 A photo of the director; 2.2.4 Film poster (optional). 2.3. You may submit more than one film as long as each film meets the eligibility requirements; 2.4. By submitting, you are committed to screen the film, if the film gets selected; 2.5. By submitting, you are agree to screen your film without a screening fee or any monetary reward; 2.6. All information given in the submission form will be used as such in all printed publications, social medias and on the website, all related to the festival’s publications.
Main steps in the selection process: 3.1. STAGE ONE: CALL OUT Whenever you find your status changed from ‘undecided’ to ‘Semi-Finalist’ in the FilmFreeway*: this is a call-out for candidates. 3.1.1 You will receive an automated invitation email asking you to send your digital file of final work to MFW7 offline database for a closed review; 3.1.2 This doesn’t mean your film has been selected, yet this is the stage that determines your next status in the selection process; 3.1.3 Your status in this stage is still a subject to change back to ‘undecided’, furthermore to ‘not selected’ until all requirements are satisfied. This includes meeting the deadlines given to respond to the invitation; *) If you are aware that your status is changed, yet does not receive any of our invitation email, kindly check you spam folder, before contacting us at 3.1.4 We will contact you by email address given in the submission and ask you to fill up a consent form, furthermore asking you to sending your final digital film file before given deadline date; 3.1.5 Please aware that; Nothing may go further without written consent of the rights owner of the work. Protecting your short film data is of our utmost importance, therefore, your short film will only be used by your authorization in a manner consistent with the consent given. 3.2. STAGE TWO: OFFICIAL SELECTIONS ANNOUNCEMENT Status ‘Selected’ and ‘Not Selected’ in the FilmFreeway will be announced. 3.2.1 All the short films that is already in our off-line database, and satisfied all the requirements from step 3.1. is the list from which the festival programming will be made; 3.2.2 (Status ‘Selected’ in the FilmFreeway) is final. Official Selected Short Films will be put in a Sub-Program. We will work on the Indonesia subs and scheduled for live screenings during the festival date. Please notice that most of the festival’s live screenings are free & open for public. There will be age rating guides for each programs. 3.3. SELECTION FOR INTERNATIONAL AWARDS 3.3.1 International submissions from each section, including Indonesia’s productions submitted through international submissions can be considered for a MFW Best Short Film of the Year Award 2021; 3.3.2 The Award Nominees will be announced to public 1 (one) month prior to the festival’s date; 3.3.3 The Award Winners will be announced live on stage at the Closing and Awarding night of the festival, 11 September 2021 3.3.4 Announcement made public through Minkino Film Week official website and all the MFW Social Media. 3.4. SHORT FILM LIBRARY LIST Each years, there are several short films that were not selected, yet received special attention from the selection team. We may offered these short films to take part, specifically in MFW7 SHORT FILM MARKET, the SHORT FILM LIBRARY. Read more about SHORT FILM MARKET here Short Film Library will be available for accredited professionals only and is open during the dates of festival.
4.1. INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE RECOGNITION Certificate shall be given upon request. Only for short films that meet the following conditions: 4.1.1 Only for a Non-Indonesia Short Films; 4.1.2 Only for films that have been released during the present year of the Festival (year 2020); 4.1.3 Only for films that have never been showing/premiered anywhere other than their country of origin; 4.1.4 A statement email from producer(s)/director(s) is needed; Stated that the work have not been, and will not presented at any other International screening event neither live nor online (exhibited on the Internet with open access/publicly) before the end date of MFW7 Festival (Saturday, 11 September 2021). 4.2. OFFICIAL SELECTIONS RECOGNITION Official Selections will be printed in the Festival’s Catalog. Certificate shall be given upon request; 4.2.1 Short Films that already fulfill all the requirements of step 3.2 in the selection process; 4.2.2 Short Films that have been produced and released after 1 January 2019; 4.2.3 Short Films that fulfilled all the technical requirements. 4.3. AWARD ELIGIBILITY Only films that meet the following conditions may be eligible to be considered and nominated for awards; 4.3.1 Short films that have been released after 1 January 2019; 4.3.2 Short films that holds Bali’s premiere status. The film must never been screened in bali island before the MFW7 festival’s date, 3 september 2021; 4.3.3 A statement email from producer(s)/director(s) send to MFW7 will be required; stated that the film never been screened in Bali island before the festival’s date, 3 september 2021; 4.3.4 MFW7 committees have the right to cancel the award nomination status if we found out that the film had been screened at other event / festival in bali before MFW7 commenced.
Entry fee may be waived only for: 5.1. INDONESIAN DIRECTOR(S) & PRODUCER(S) Upon receipt of a photocopy of a current and valid ID card (KTP) or Indonesian Passport; 5.2. ALL STUDENTS (International) Upon receipt of an email proposal with a copy of a current and valid student ID card or a letter from an accredited school verifying enrollment; 5.3. FILMMAKERS WITH 2020 OFFICIALLY SELECTED WORK (MFW6). Upon receipt a copy of the Minikino Film Week 6 digital certificate (or simply email us with some information, you are already in our database). Please send your proposal to MFW committee reserves the right to refuse your waiver proposal, at its discretion, including, without limitation. MFW Waiver grants you a limited, revocable, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to submit your short film to the MINIKINO FILM WEEK with a specific condition(s) for your own personal use only. CONTACT US AND GET THE WAIVER CODE FIRST BEFORE SUBMITTING. WE HAVE NO PRIVILEGE TO CANCEL YOUR SUBMISSION PAYMENT
6.1.1 You may submit more than one film as long as each film meets the eligibility requirements;
6.1.2 By submitting, you are committed to screen the film, if the film gets selected;
6.1.3 Neither the festival staff nor the committee is obliged to provide any comments about your work;
6.1.4 If you have questions related to regulations, timelines or anything regarding the Minikino Film Week 7, please contact
6.2.1 Short Films that have been produced and released after 1 January 2019 preferred. Still possible yet slim chance for older production;
6.2.2 Entry and participation of your short films implies unconditional acceptance of the regulations;
6.2.3 In unspecified cases, the Festival Committee is the one to make a final decision.
6.3.1 Strictly only for short films that have been released after 1 january 2019;
6.3.2 Strictly only for short films that have never been screened in Bali Island before the MFW7 Festival’s date 3 september 2021;
6.3.3 MFW7 committees have the right to cancel the award nomination status if we found out that the film had been screened at other event / festival in bali before MFW7 commenced.