Indonesia Raja 2015
Special Edition
Total duration: 93 minutes 10 seconds
Program Coordinator: Fransiska Prihadi – MINIKINO
INDONESIA RAJA adalah sebuah kolaborasi tahunan antar wilayah/ kota di Indonesia dalam bentuk pertukaran program film pendek.
Welcome to INDONESIA RAJA 2015, an Indonesian short film exchange and networking program, where
programmers from across Indonesia put together diverse programs of short films from their respective
Indonesia Raja, coordinated by Minikino, is an annual partnership of exchange and networking, which
includes screenings and discussions with filmmakers and programmers from the partnering cities. By
showcasing selected short films from each city, Indonesia Raja provides an entry point into filmrelated
accomplishment across Indonesia.
In this inaugural year, 7 programmers — from Medan (Muh.Abrar | RuFi), Jakarta (Siti Anisah | Sinema Kopi Hitam), Semarang (Hesti Nurnaningsih | Ruang Film Semarang), Purbalingga (Bowo Leksono | CLC Purbalingga), Yogyakarta (Moh.Reza Fahriyansyah | Yuk Nonton!!!), Surabaya (Fauzan Abdillah | INFIS) and Denpasar (I Made Suarbawa | Minikino ) — has each prepared a 75-minute short film program for Indonesia Raja 2015. What you will see today is a special selection of 7 short films, each representing the partnering city.
Muhammad Abrar / Medan / 2015 / 10’04”
Drama, G | Indonesian language, English subtitle
Iken is a young man from Pakantan village who falls in love with Halisa despite her father’s
Iken pemuda kampung Pakantan yang menaruh hati kepada Halisa namun terhalang oleh
ayahnya. |
Fitro Dizianto / Yogyakarta / 2014 /12’25”
Horror, G | with English subtitle
Kipli and Kecap are starving in the middle of the night. Yet, there’s only one food stall that is still
open until late, next to a cemetery.
Pada suatu malam jumat Kipli dan Kecap lapar. Sudah tengah malam dan tak ada lagi warung
yang buka kecuali warung pecel lele Cak Iwan yang dekat kuburan. |
Novian Cahyo Utomo / Purbalingga / 2015 / 15’00”
Documentary, G | with Indonesian & English subtitle
Miskun, one of many sand miners in Siaren Village, Karangreja subdistrict, Purbalingga, works
hard to make a living for his family. Meanwhile, his wife, Mahini opens a small stall next to the
mining area to provide food and drinks for the sand miners.
Miskun, salah satu kuli penambang pasir warga Desa Siaren, Kecamatan Karangreja,
Purbalingga, bekerja keras menghidupi keluarganya. Sementara istrinya, Mahini membuka
warung di pinggir kawasan tambang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan lapar dan haus para kuli
penambang pasir. |
Bintang adi Pradana / Semarang – Perancis / 2014 / 03’53”
Romance, 18++
An impossible story yet possible, something that is far away yet so close. something that we
understand and yet indescribable. A painful story yet so beautiful about life, love, and lust
Mahesa Desaga / Malang / 2014 / 16’55”
Comedy, 18++ | with English subtitle
A truck driver, Parjo, rarely comes home. Along the road, he finds many temptations, including
prostitutes; however, he tries to resist them. When Parjo finally gets home, he desires to make
love to his wife, Siti, but their innocent son Rafi always gets in their way.
Parjo, Supir truk yang jarang pulang, mencoba bertahan dari godaan yang ada di jalanan
terutama iming-iming masalah seksual. Saat Parjo pulang kerumah dan ingin memenuhi
kebutuhan seksualnya bersama istrinya. Siti. Rafi yang lugu selalu mengganggu. |
Chairun nissa | Cangkir kopi / Jakarta / 2014 / 18’15”
Drama, Comedy, G | with English subtitle
A busy high-school class room trapped in teenager stereotypes until a teacher came and
involved in a various topic of conversation about falling in love and sexuality that is a taboo
subject even for the students.
Suasana kelas SMA yang riuh karena terjebak stereotype remaja, sampai seorang guru datang
dan satu kelas ini terlibat obrolah dari jatuh cinta sampai seputar seks yang menjadi tabu di
murid-muridnya sendiri. |
Oka Sudarsana / Denpasar / 2014 / 16’38”
Drama, G
Ginar stays up late to do her homework, has to take unusually difficult journey to school, but
then, destiny decides different path for her.
Ginar, anak SD yang mengerjakan PR hingga larut malam dan menempuh perjalanan berat
menuju sekolah, namun nasib berkata lain baginya. |
“INDONESIA RAJA 2015 | Special Edition for Ubud Writer Readers Festival 2015”
Kamis, 29 Oktober 2015
Thursday, 29 October 2015
19.30 – 21.00 WITA
at Museum of Marketing 3.0. Jalan Raya Ubud (Museum Puri Lukisan), Ubud, Bali
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