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Minikino Screening Event “Children of a Nation” with Sakti Parantean

Q&A bersama Sutradara; SAKTI PARANTEAN
undangan terbuka, mohon bantu sebarkan

RABU, 11 JUNI 2014, 19.00 – 21.00 PM
Mini Hall Griya Musik Irama Indah
Jl. Diponegoro 114
Denpasar – Bali
tel/fax: (0361)226886 / (0361)237567



Sakti Parantean, Indonesia, 2013, 77 min

Sebuah negara menjadi pusat perhatian demokrasi dunia pada tahun 2009. Indonesia, negara yang baru menapakkan kakinya dalam kehidupan ber-demokrasi mendapatkan sebutan sebagai salah satu negara terbaik yang dapat menyelenggarakan pemilihan umum secara demokratis. Demam demokrasi dan “pilpres” terekam dalam setiap nafas bangsa ini. Kondisi ini juga semakin dihangatkan dengan pemberitaan media dan kampanye politik yang semakin agresif.

Baru saja 10 tahun lalu, dunia menyaksikan kejatuhan Suharto yang dipicu oleh gerakan reformasi mahasiswa. Sekarang, bangsa ini menjadi saksi mata pertarungan ‘orang-orang kuat’ untuk memperebutkan tampuk kekuasaan yang juga melibatkan beberapa mantan Jendral dengan jejak rekam khusus dalam hal pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia.

Persis seperti seorang anak kecil, bangsa ini belajar untuk mendapatkan masa depan yang lebih baik.

Synopis (english)
It was the year of 2009. Indonesia as a nation is celebrating its exciting democracy fever one more time. This time is to elect the new President of the nation. I recorded the life, the hype and the feel at that time. Trying to reveal the forgotten sides, the most spoken by the public but never was heard by our leaders.

Narti is a middle-class working woman who opens a food stall in Jakarta. She and her family has been a fanatic of Sukarno – the first Indonesia’s President, father of Megawati Sukarnoputri – one of the presidential candidates. Megawati was the symbol of democracy resistance during Suharto’s regime. Narti and many other Indonesia’s working class are the fanatic supporters of Megawati who is also the President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2001-2004. She is now paired by Prabowo Subianto, an ex Army who was accountable for the kidnappings of democratic activist during Suharto’s regime – Probowo’s father in law.

The other pair of contenders are Jusuf Kalla who is currently the vice president of the republic. He is teamed up by Wiranto, another ex Army General who officially was responsible for national security during 1998 riot that led to Suharto’s resignation from presidency. These two pairs are trying to compete the incumbent, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono who selected Budiono a former Central Bank Governor as his vice- presidential candidate.

The campaign period has divided the nation. Mediated by mass media, the candidates use every opportunity to attract voters, one of them is Rachel. A young professional who is impressed by the performance and good looks of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Yudhoyono served as an Army officer during Suharto’s regime before he joined Megawati’s cabinet during her presidency in 2001-2004 as a minister.

Watching closely are the ex-student activists from 1998′s REFORM movement who toppled down Suharto. Savic and Adian were both leaders in the students’ movement of Jakarta. The year of 2009 has been a test for them to prove the reform movement’s successes. But they are in doubt since the same persons and generals are among presidential and vice presidential candidates. They have come to realize that their movement and struggle 10 years ago was more to bring down Suharto as a person, not his whole corrupt regime.

Today is only a few months before the nation is welcomed to another Presidential election of 2014. What will happen this year is reflected clearly by this film, since we now have almost the same candidates as we had 5 years ago, expressed their interests to become the next national leaders.

This is a personal film about democracy in my own nation and the way I see it as it happens. The nation is longing for the promised leader we have been promised for years. As the most populated Muslim country in the world, we also are waiting the prophecies of our ancient gods to take place and lead us to the river of prosperity.
Mini Hall Griya Musik Irama Indah
Jl. Diponegoro 114
Denpasar – Bali
tel/fax: (0361)226886 / (0361)237567

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