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Masoud Soheili

Masoud Soheili

Masoud Soheili is an Iranian filmmaker, writer and photographer. With his films "Blue-eyed boy" (2014) and "Elephantbird" (2019), he has won more than 40 awards from over 300 film festivals.
He was a jury member of 9 film festivals, including the Yogya Netpac Asian Film Festival (2015), Avanca International Film Festival in Dhaka International Youth Film Festival in Bangladesh (2020), Accra Indie Film Festival in Ghana (2022), Chaktomuk Short Film Festival in Cambodia (2022) and Azemeis Film Festival in Portugal (2022). Masoud is the co-founder and creative director of the "Asia Peace Film Festival" in Islamabad, Pakistan, and programmer of the "Changing Perspective Intentional Film Festival'' in Istanbul, Turkey, and "Minikino Film Week" in Bali, Indonesia. Additionally, he directed the inaugural "Safe Community" International Film Festival in Mashhad, Iran (2017).
In addition, he has worked as a freelance photographer, videographer, and video journalist for platforms including National Geographic, AJ+, VICE media, TRT, Great Big Story, VOA, and Business Insider.
His debut photography book, "Durian on my head," was published in Iran and Indonesia.



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