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Eric Sasono

Eric Sasono

Eric Sasono is an Indonesian film critic who obtained his doctoral degree in film studies from King’s College London in 2019. He co-founded the Indonesian Film Society, a London-based community group to screen films regularly in London and to promote Indonesian culture to the UK public and beyond. For ten years (2009-2019), Eric was the executive board’s secretary of YMMFI, the Indonesian Independent Film Society Foundation, that established the Indonesian Documentary Center (In-Docs) and organized the now-defunct Jakarta International Film Festival (JIFFest). Eric has co-written a book about the Indonesian film industry and edited a volume about Southeast Asian cinema. He is now working in a Jakarta-based civil society organization while working on his research about ‘film Islami’. Eric is actively blogging on



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Silahkan kirim artikel anda ke Isinya bebas, mau berbagi, review film pendek, curhat, kritik, saran, asalkan masih dalam lingkup kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan Minikino, film pendek, dan budaya sinema. Agar halaman ini bisa menjadi catatan bersama untuk kerja yang lebih baik lagi ke depan.

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