Vincent Sparreboom / Netherlands / 2019 / 13:00
“Contextual, witty, sympathetic, and personal.”
International Jury Board 2020, Prima Rusdi

Mama Mania is Vincent’s first short documentary, which he made during his first year in filmschool (HKU University of the Arts Utrecht). The film celebrated its World Premiere at Go Short – International Short Film Festival Nijmegen and it’s International Premiere at DOK Leipzig. Recently, Mama Mania has also been acquired by Dutch public broadcast NPO. Vincent aims to make scene-based, observational documentaries with a strong personal angle and dramatic structure.
- Mama Mania (2019), Short Doc, 13’’
- You’ll Be A Woman Soon (2019), Short Doc, 11’30
More info on the film: https:// Mania
facebook page: https://www.facebook. com/mamamaniathefilm/
behind the scenes pictures from the sound editing in the studio
