Lokasi Pemutaran & Waktu:
OMAH APIK, Pejeng Rabu/Wed 14 Oktober 2015, jam 20:00 – 21:15 WITA
RUMAH FILM SANG KARSA, Singaraja Kamis/Thu 15 Oktober 2015, jam 18:45- 20:00 WITA
SIKUNO, Denpasar Jumat/Fri 16 Oktober 2015, jam 18:00 – 19:30 WITA |
Kurator: Tan Chui Mui
Total Durasi: 60’17”
“The Gift”
(Mallory Lee / 2014 / 8’01”)
Hadiah di atas meja, nasib apakah yang bisa terjadi karena itu? ini kisah tentang seorang petugas pos, Ching Chong dengan bekas teman sekolahnya, sampai ia bertemu dengan Mei Lai, kembang sekolahnya… Komedi romantis dengan setting 80an, ketika 2,5 ringgit bisa untuk membeli mi goreng, bakso ikan dan minuman. Cinta pada masa itu sangat sederhana… benarkah?
A gift on a table, what possible destiny will it face? This is a story about a postman, Ching Chong with his friends during school life – until he met Mei Lai, the sunshine in his school… A romantic comedy set in the mid 80s when RM2.50 can buy you a fried noodle, fish balls, soft drink and an ice stick. Love back then was simpler… was it? |
( Bradley Liew / 2012 / 15’00″)
Komedi Action tentang 2 orang pembunuh kelas rendah yang ditugaskan membantu pembunuh legendaris Mack.
An action comedy of two low level assassins assigned by their boss to aid the legendary killer Mack. Unfortunately for them, they start off their day late and everything goes downhill in a flurry of bodies and unlucky coincidences. |
(We Jun Cho / 2014 /12’00”)
Ishak, seorang polisi penyelam yang berpengalaman, berkontemplasi tentang pengalamannya
Ishak, an experienced police diver, contemplates the emotional perils of his vocation following the most challenging dive of his career. |
( Michael Chen / 2013 / 13’46″)
Gaya Mockumentary tentang Michael yang serba bisa.
STRENGTH is a mockumentary-styled short film. Michael is many things; an Actor, Producer, and even a Kickboxing Instructor. One day, he decides to join his first amateur MMA Fight Tournament much to the dismay of the people around him. This short pokes a little fun at this humbling experience he had. |
“Find Love, Let It Kill”
(Aidyl Abadi / 2015 / 1’24”)
Carilah cintamu dan biarkan ia menghancurkanmu
Find your love and let it kill you. |
“Rosita Binti Roslan”
(Taufiq / 2015 / 10’06”)
Cerita tentang Ilham, bagaimana ini membaca pikirannya dan menikmati dunia di dalamnya. Di representasikan oleh seorang wanita bernama Rozita binti Roslan.
A story of ilham, how he explores his mind and embraces the world inside it.
Represented by a girl named Rozita binti Roslan where he plays out scenes of the first time they meet, to reaching heights of ultimate compatibility to dealing with an identity/existential crisis, these are hopes, love and dreams which represents life. Set using the premise of love and relationship, Rozita binti Roslan tells a story of human attachment. |
(Tan Seng Kiat / 2013 / 13’52”)
Kisah cinta antara seorang Satpam dan Penjaga Toko.
“32°C Fall in Love” revolves around the love of a security guard for a storekeeper. Built on the poremise of romance with a hint of comedy, the love-inspired short film demonstrates how love can be found in the most bizarre ciecumstances. |