Screening Schedule:
MON/SENIN 17 FEB 2020, 19:00 Dharma Negara Alaya – Cultural Centre of Denpasar
Jl. Mulawarman No.1, Denpasar Utara, Bali
SAT/SABTU 22 FEB 2020, 17:00 Rumah Film Sang Karsa
KM 13.2, Jl. Seririt- Singaraja, Buleleng, Bali
FRI/JUMAT 28 FEB 2020, 19:00 MASH Denpasar Art House Cinema
jl. Pulau Madura no.5, Denpasar, Bali
Bebas masuk, harap datang lebih awal
Free entry, please come earlier
Facilitated in Australia, the program aimed to build the skills and capacity of women working in the film and media industry in Bangladesh and Indonesia and provide a platform to discuss and develop strategies for addressing gender equality in the media at a local, national and international level. The project provided training for filmmakers from predominantly Muslim countries in technical film skills, online media, facilitation and community dialogue, networking and stakeholder engagement to capture discussion on changing identities.
Four participants are mentored by Jan Cattoni and Samina Ali to develop their own stories based on research and personal experience. Four short films as project output were released at an event in Brisbane on International Women’s Day 2018.
Kampung Halaman hope that the stories can be used to start conversations about other girls/ women’s personal experiences, ignite the courage them to speak up, think critically and create a valuable dialogue with a diverse audience.
SEE ME HEAR ME screenings & festivals
- Griffith Film School (Premiere)
- Festival Santri, Jombang, 2019
Dian Herdiany / Indonesia / 2018 / 5 mins
Dian receives fellowships “Yamagata Documentary Dojo” from Documentary Dream Centre at 2019 and “See Me Hear Me” from Kinetic Collective and Griffith University through Australian Award Fellowship at 2019. Now Dian with Kampung Halaman are producing a short fiction film and length feature documentary collaboratively with girls group in local community and professional filmmakers. Both of those films based on participatory research and focus on girls and age of coming issue.
This is the love story of a lady and her dog. She has a different way of being Muslim: not wearing hijab and loving and keeping a dog as her companion. Their relationship is believed by some others from the Muslim community in Indonesia to be haram or forbidden, because dogs are thought to be a representation of demons. This is a story of companionship between human and animal that is beyond the restriction of religion.
Ini adalah kisah cinta seorang wanita dan anjingnya. Dia memiliki cara yang berbeda untuk menjadi Muslim: tidak mengenakan jilbab dan mencintai dan memelihara anjing sebagai temannya. Hubungan mereka diyakini oleh beberapa orang lain dari komunitas Muslim di Indonesia sebagai haram atau dilarang, karena anjing dianggap representasi setan. Ini adalah kisah persahabatan antara manusia dan hewan yang berada di luar batasan agama.
Afia Pina / Bangladesh / 2018 / 4 mins
1. Study at US institute on ‘New Media and Leadership’ -2014
2. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Scholarship on ‘Digital Security for Journalist’ – 2016
3. Australia Award Fellowship on ‘Portrayal of Gender in Media – 2018’
Research :
1. Portrayal of Gender in Bangladeshi Electronic Advertisement. – 2019
2. Gender Monitoring Indicator for Print, Online and television news.- 2019
3. Media Literacy competency of Secondary school students of Bangladesh – 2019
A young, vibrant and ambitious woman hopes for a life full of excitement and a satisfying career. Nishi dreams of studying away from her family home living free from the expectation of society. She works hard to become a successful filmmaker, but her career is cut short when the time comes for her to marry. She becomes to think of Nishi as a burden herself. Time slips away until finally, it’s too late for Nishi to chase her dreams anymore.
Seorang wanita muda, bersemangat, dan ambisius berharap kehidupan yang penuh kegembiraan dan karier yang memuaskan. Nishi bermimpi belajar jauh dari rumah keluarganya yang hidup bebas dari harapan masyarakat. Dia bekerja keras untuk menjadi pembuat film yang sukses, tetapi karirnya terputus ketika saatnya tiba baginya untuk menikah. Dia menjadi menganggap Nishi sebagai beban dirinya sendiri. Waktu berlalu hingga akhirnya, sudah terlambat bagi Nishi untuk mengejar mimpinya lagi.
Rachma Safitri / Indonesia / 2018 / 4 mins
• National Geographic Indonesia – Cover Photo & 14 pages feature news + photos of Disabilities Issues – February 2013
• July 2016 – Gudeg Rekaman Kehidupan Kota Yogya – National Geographic Traveler
• January 2017 – Waria Setara Warga at National Geographic Indonesia
A young Indonesia woman shares her story with the world. At 32 years-old she works as a youth facilitator and journalist, who travels regularly for work. She’s happy to answer any number of questions, except one –“Why are you not married yet?” But as the years go by, more and more people ask: friends, family and even neighbors. Eventually, the questions become increasingly personal and influenced by the community’s religious beliefs.
Seorang wanita muda Indonesia membagikan kisahnya kepada dunia. Di usia 32 tahun ia bekerja sebagai fasilitator dan jurnalis muda, yang sering bepergian untuk bekerja. Dia senang menjawab sejumlah pertanyaan, kecuali satu – “Mengapa kamu belum menikah?” Tetapi seiring berlalunya waktu, semakin banyak orang bertanya: teman, keluarga, dan bahkan tetangga. Akhirnya, pertanyaan-pertanyaan menjadi semakin pribadi dan dipengaruhi oleh kepercayaan agama komunitasnya.
Nur Wulandari / Indonesia / 2018 / 6 mins
Wucha memproduksi film dokumenter pendek berjudul Muslimah. Film ini memenangkan festival ReelOzind Film Festival di Melbourne, 2018. Muslimah terpilih dalam program X-Express 2019 Minikino dan diputar diberbagai festival seperti Sea Short Film Festival, Malaysia.
Terlibat dalam program IKKON-BEKRAF pada tahun 2019 sebagai peneliti visual. Sejak 2015 membangun Studio Semaya , merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang mengeksplorasi medium audio-visual dengan mengunakan pendekatan pendalaman riset dan kolaborasi.
This film is about a young woman – 26-year-old Wulan, the film’s director – who grew up with two mothers, both of whom offered different perspectives about how to be Muslim. Each of the three women follow Islam but they all have their own interpretations about many aspects of the religion, like whether or not to wear Hijab. The film posits a question for its director and audience: “There are so many ways to be Muslimah – what have you chosen for yourself?”
Film ini adalah tentang seorang wanita muda – Wulan yang berusia 26 tahun, sutradara film – yang tumbuh dengan dua ibu, keduanya menawarkan perspektif yang berbeda tentang bagaimana menjadi Muslim. Masing-masing dari tiga wanita mengikuti Islam tetapi mereka semua memiliki interpretasi mereka sendiri tentang banyak aspek agama, seperti apakah memakai jilbab atau tidak. Film ini mengajukan pertanyaan kepada sutradara dan penontonnya: “Ada banyak cara untuk menjadi Muslimah – apa yang telah Anda pilih untuk diri Anda sendiri?”
Terimakasih kepada
Pemerintah Kota Denpasar
Dinas Pariwisata Kota Denpasar
BEKRAF Denpasar
MASH Denpasar – Art House Cinema
Rumah Film Sang Karsa
Agung Bhawantara
Ni Made Ayu Satyadriti
Yayasan Kino Media
Fransiska Prihadi
Edo Wulia
Jap Kevin Setya
Saffira Nusa Dewi
Yayasan Kampung Halaman
Rachma Safitri
MMSD FEBRUARY 2020 didukung oleh